County Greens Turf
County Greens is suitable only for golf and bowling greens and luxury lawns as it requires regular skilled maintenance to keep it in good condition. It is our finest-textured turf with a very dense, close-mown sward. County Greens is grown on natural sands that are very close to USGA specification, and with using a 50:50 blend of chewings and slender fescue, along with the bent in the mix, it provides all year round excellent performance.
Typical Seed Composition – County Greens (without Ryegrass)
Grass Species
- 20% Barlineus – Chewings Fescue
- 20% Musica – Chewings Fescue
- 20% Viktorka – Slender Creeping Red Fescue
- 20% Barcrown - Slender Creeping Red Fescue
- 20% Manor - Brown Top Bent