County Fescue Turf
Ideal for:
- Golf greens
- Bowling greens
- Golf fairways
- Luxury lawns
Turf attributes:
- Fine textured
- Dense close mown sward
County Fescue is an all-Fescue turf suitable for golf and bowling greens, golf fairways and luxury lawns. It requires regular, skilled maintenance to keep it in good condition. It is our finest-textured turf with a very dense, close mown sward. County Fescue is grown on natural sands that are very close to USGA specification, and with using a 50:50 blend of chewings and slender fescue, it provides all year round excellent performance.
Typical Seed Composition - County Fescue (without Ryegrass)
Grass Species
- 25% Barlineus - Chewings Fescue
- 25% Bodega – Chewings Fescue
- 25% Viktorka - Slender Creeping Red Fescue
- 25% Barcrown Slender Creeping Red Fescue