Back to School for the County Turf Team

Back to School for the County Turf Team

County Turf Limited, in conjunction with Talbot Sportsturf, recently undertook one of the biggest ever ‘instant play’ sports pitch installations in the UK.

Whitburn School, near Sunderland, a recently rebuilt Church of England secondary school has just completed construction of two football pitches and an athletics track using 18,020m of County Turf’s Sports Greenscape turf. It was supplied in 1.2m x 12m big rolls and installed by Talbot Sportsturf.

Shaun Goodwin, Director of Talbot Sportsturf, explained: “The contract carried out at Whitburn School was a large volume project. The criteria required was sports turf which, whilst being uniformly cut, had to have a strong root system and an even sward. The consistency in depth makes it easier for us to deliver a level playing surface, one thing that is paramount for ‘instant play’ situations.”

“Due to the level of our resources on-site, it was important that we received up to seven articulated lorry loads of turf per day to ensure that there was no down time for our operatives. The difficulty with this contract was the restricted delivery times that were set out by the school to accommodate the movements of pupils and staff. County Turf ensured that the criteria were fulfilled and the project was a success.”